Jumat, 13 Desember 2019

Nama :Nandita Gusti Pangesti
Npm : 19144600081
Kelas : PGSD A3-19

Text Narative

Wedang Ronde

Hello everyone, my name is Nandita Gusti Pangesti, i’m from PGRI University. This time i will make a vlog of the Yogyakarta traditional Javanese drink that is wedang ronde. Wedang Ronde is derived from the words wedang and ronde, wedang in javanese meaning drink while rounds are balls made of a special mixture of glutinous rice flour containing peanuts.
      The cold night is indeed nice to drink warm, then I decided to go buy a wedang ronde in front of the post office Seyegan.After my order had arrived, and I immediately returned home and enjoyed wedang Ronde.Wedang Ronde not only tastes good but can warm the body, this drink is believed to provide health benefits for our bodies.
Thare several fill in it of wedang Ronde, namely peanuts, white bread, sugar palm fruit and sticky rice. Wedang Ronde is a mixture of ginger and ronde drink, the main ingredient is ginger and sticky boiled water.Wedang Ronde drinks in my opinion are very suitable to be enjoyed when the rainy season, winter, and more delicious if taken at night.
When I tried the round, the taste of the round was very similar to mochi, maybe because the basic ingredients were the same. The texture of the round which is chewy when bitten, is really similar to the texture of mochi. Overall, the round I bought was delicious and fresh, the sweetness was enough, the price was very friendly in the bag, only six thousand. Cheap, cheerful, fresh and delicious. Okay that’s all the review me abautWedang Ronde, you have to try it,thankyou and see you next time.